Ziggy Teaches Life Lessons

This was the last letter I sent before I found out that Alias knew who I was.


Me (as Charlie):

I saw this cartoon the other day, these two guys are doing laundry, and the one guy says to the other, "Hey! Where did my magazine and detergent go?" The other guy, with a big smile on his face, says "Time and Tide wait for no man."

It's true really. Time never changes speeds. Though sometimes I think we all wish it would. Myself, I'd like to stop time for a while. Just long enough for me to get back to doing all those little things I've never gotten around to. There are so many things I'd do if I only had the time. But, no matter what the movies tell us, it's just not possible. We just have to learn to be thankful for what little we are given. To accept that we don't know all the answers and maybe we never will. To just keep on doing what we're doing and wait for the rest of the world to come around.


Once I found out he knew, I proceeded to tell him that I knew that he knew it was me. Once again.... I am retarded.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-01-16 @ 12:33 p.m. by dee