Some Things Never Change

You Are the Very Gay Winnie the Pooh!

Come on, he doesn't wear pants!
And he's a little too obsessed with Christopher Robin

What Gay Childhood Icon Are You?

What can I say? I love me that Pooh. I'm not sure about the whole gay thing though. I really don't think childrens cartoons are meant to be sexual at all. I find that rather distrubing in fact.

Anyway, in other news I did the calling around and was able to get a hold of the girl. She told me she wasn't able to take the shift, so I called the boss and told her I would just come in. The boss told me she'd talk to some guy and call me back. She never did. When I called work later that night they told me she had already left and gave no indication that they were supposed to tell me anything. I figured she got busy and forgot, so I still planned to go in. Today I call work in the morning, she's not. I call her house, feeling guilty cause who want's to talk work when they're at home. But she tells me it's taken care of and I tell her I owe her 12 coffees (which she expects all on the same day). Then about an hour later I get a call from sub-boss at work (the guy I talked to the night before who had no clue what I was talking about) tells me that it's been taken care of and to get back to bed.

So long story long, I didn't have to work today and was able to catch up on all my readings. Now I just have to study for two midterms and write one paper... all in one day.

So what the hell am I doing up at 2 am?

I'm still a tool.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written February 27, 2005 @ 2:07 am by dee