
I never thought I would say this but Thank Goodness It's Monday.... evening.

This weekend nearly killed me, between the germfest I like to call Snotapalooza and the piles and piles of school work I wasn't able to get through during Reading Week because of the tight grip death had on me. But after staying up until after 4am last night I was able to finish my paper and get a little study time in for the midterms today.

I also woke up early (6:00 am) and got my butt to school so I could finish studying for the first midterm which happened to be at 9:30. I finished it in record time, which usually means one of two things, I however, am quite sure that it only means one thing, cause I sure didn't do really well. Yep big stinkin suckfest that was.

Then I had about 2 hours until my next midterm. A midterm for which, I had not been able to study for yet. So I cram as much as possible and head up to that exam. It wasn't terrible but certainly wasn't good. Organizational Behavior is a great class for bullshitting your way through and that's one thing I can do with the best of them. Throw in a textbook term every once in a while and you should be ok. I think I passsed that one, but I'm not sure by how much.

Then it was on to Business Law, the most boring, horrible class ever. The instructor's scrawl is incomprehensible (much like my spelling) and the notes he posts online are absolutely useless because it's all fill in the blank, which you're supposed to do during the lecture, but he doesn't follow the same order as he has in the notes, which makes it impossible to follow. That was a really long sentence. My appologies.

So anyway, back to the story, I finish that class and still have to go hand in my marketing assignment and take a unit quiz. I get to the lab to do the quiz only to find out that the date on the quiz had expired and I would have to find the instructor to get him to open it up again if it was supposed to happen. So I had to track him down, drag him back to the lab to prove that I was allowed to take my test and they screwed up the dates. I was a little flustered by all this and didn't do quite as well as I would have liked but I still got a respectable mark.

Then I thought it would be a good idea for me to go in to work to retrieve my pay cheque. My boss is now ill and is choosing to blame me for the contamination rather than those damn snotballs that run around in there all day. So I'm feeling guilty. Then she brings up that I didn't go to her Oscar party. I didn't go for two reasons. I skipped out on work the night before because I was feeling so bad and reason 2 is that I had so much crap to do from school there's no way I could afford that much time. So I feel a little guilty-er (is that a word?) and I'm asking for my cheque and she can't find it so I'm waiting around for the ass. manager to call back and tell her where he put it. Eventually we find it, without him calling us.

Then I get to go home. Ah glorious home. I'm sitting here in sweats contemplating whether to eat or veg first. I think I'll do both... simulantiously. All I need now is someone to massage my gullet so I don't have to chew. Cause you know, that's more work than I'm up for right now.

Maybe I'll just have soup.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written February 28, 2005 @ 6:19 pm by dee