The Main Reason I'm Cranky

It took me 2.5 hours to get my stitches out yesterday. 2.5 FREAKIN HOURS!

There are FOUR stitches!

That's more than half an hour PER STITCH.

Well, that's not exactly what it was like. I had to wait to see the doctor for an hour and a half. Then I get in there and they tell me I need x-rays. Why not tell me that while I'm waiting for the hour and a half? Cause that would be too easy. So I had to go to x-ray and that took another half hour. Then I had to go back in to see the doctor and have him tell me that it "looks good" and he'll see me in two months. WFT! (and WTF? too)

Needless to say this made me a little cranky since I was hoping that since I had 4 hours between my scheduled appointment and work I could maybe take a nap.

Didn't happen.

So what am I doing wasting valuable sleep time writing this?

Good Point!

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2004-05-13 @ 9:18 am by dee