Airing Out My Dirty Laundry

I am having such a frustrating day. I have four large baskets of dirty laundry and two baskets of clean laundry. The trouble is, I have no where to put the clean stuff.

I'm still staying in Skim's room and she's still staying in mine.

I tried to put some of the clothes I'm not wearing into my closet downstairs but that's full now. I have no dressers or drawers and Skim's closet is full of all her stuff.

So I want to get all my laundry done but I also think "what's the point" because it will just be sitting out in baskets anyway. *sigh*

I'm also trying to decide what to do with my car when I move back home. Some people are telling me to sell it before I go, some people are saying keep it cause you'll need it when you get back. I don't know if I can afford to have a car as a student. I don't know where I'm going to live when I get back. I don't know what kind of job, if any I will have. This instability is freaking me out. I don't have any savings, and because of this accident I have all kinds of bills. I guess I'm just stressed out by all of this swimming around in my head.

So much for good days.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2004-03-15 @ 3:24 pm by dee