How Was Yours?

Good Friday? Sure was, until I talked to my aunt online.

So I got off work early this morning, washed the car, bought donuts and went to bed. I wake up in time for supper only to find that I'm buying. Which is ok cause they're paying for the movie. (They of course being the parents, cause who wouldn't want to spend Friday night with their parents right?) So its buffet time at Tuckers MarketPlace. mmmm buffet. Then to a movie of their choice, cause they were paying for the movie. My review of "What a Girl Wants": Cheesey, Teen/Chick Flick, Not that funny, Cute. Overall... I enjoyed it. about a 7 out of 10. I love Amanada Bynes though so its a little biased.

Everything was going great and I was all set to tell you all the great parts of my day. Then my aunt comes online. She is very catholic. Good Friday is a day of mourning, praying, fasting and church.

I disagree. I think it is a day that we should be thankful and greatful that Jesus died for us, but we should be looking forward to Sunday when he rose from the dead. It is a day of joyful anticipation not mourning. She had a fit because apparently it is ok to believe anything so long as its not what I believe.

She also believes that anyone can go to heaven so long as their good enough. I don't think being good has anything to do with it. Being "good" is a consiquence of salvation not a prerequisite. She disagrees and scolded me for not doing things her way.

I hate fighting with her but I hate how she assumes that just because she is my aunt, that she somehow knows everything. I also hate how she is so accepting of every religion except mine. I am a Christian. Get over it. So many people keep saying how they are so open minded, and relativism is so popular now, except when it comes to Christianity. It makes me so angry!

Time for bed. I will have a better day tomorrow. I just don't see why I can't just have one nice relaxing day without stress?


the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-04-19 @ 1:40 am by dee