It's Still True... And You Still Want Me

uh I've been really bored tonight/this morning.

Some would suggest going to sleep. But guess what's got two thumbs and didn't do any laundry this weekend?

You guessed it: This Girl! *pointing at self*

So in any case, I was going through the people who have me on their buddy list. And because I'm so vain, I was reading their comments as to why I'm there at all. Some people want to be like me, some people feel they are like me, but most of the people who read this (on purpose) regularly just liked my layout which was originally a tribute to my dorky side.

So now that I have this more "grown up", more "normal" layout... I just wanted to let you all know, that I am still a loser.

Example: This entry.

Now I have to go do a load of whites.

The End.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-10-01 @ 4:47 am by dee