Best Early Birthday EVAR

I think this may have been my best weekend yet. And it's not even over yet!

So Saturday morning, I get home from work and Erin and Gayle are waiting for me so we can go to breakfast and then do some shopping. We went to Denny's, in case you were wondering. I got a bunch of new t-shirts from Old Navy, which is awesome, because I totally need to update my wardrobe. We went to a couple other stores, including Value Village where we found these awesome Ninja Turtle shoe laces and a plethora of I love (your name here) key chains. I got an "I love Bob" one.

Then we came home and I got my ears candled. It was weird but fun. It worked really well too. You'd never believe how much junk is in there. Super gross.

That night we were all going out for dinner for my birthday. We got to Red Lobster and there was a twenty minute wait, but it didn't even take that long. I tried lobster for the first time. I also had crab and shrimp. I've come to the conclusion that crab is just too much work.

After dinner us girls (Skim, Erin and I) decided to go to a movie. We were a little early so we stopped at Chapters where I found two more books to buy (even though I have half a box full of books I already own and haven't gotten around to reading yet). We saw Napoleon Dynamite which was really funny, even though I was tired (cause I was up for more than 36 hours straight). I will definately buy it on DVD.

Anyway, that was Saturday. Super Fly!

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written July 18, 2004 @ 6:21 pm by dee