It's The Most Expensive Time Of The Year

It all seems to add up on paper, but somehow I know I will end up completely broke and penniless... before I am supposed to run out of pennies. On paper I should have just enough left to gas up my car and have enough to do one fun thing between now and January. Everytime I do my budget it works out this way. Just enough for a couple of fun things and all the bills. But for some reason, when it comes to reality, I am barely able to gas up the car.

It doesn't help that Lloyd threw me for a loop by dancing with big rigs this weekend.

Oh and I found out that I am not eligible for my company's profit sharing plan because I'm not paying into the pension. I was never even told there was a pension plan! So while my colleges are cashing in cheques for 200-700 dollars I am swimming in debt.

*sigh* Things just keep getting better for me.


the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-12-18 @ 9:09 am by dee