The Pros And Cons Of My Day Thus Far

Ok... So it all starts like this:

Con: It's Snowing pretty heavily out there

Pro: It's my "friday" which means it's Sunday morning, which means no work until next Wednesday

Con: I have this terrible cold

Pro: I'm going to church to sing fun songs and learn cool stuff about God.

Con: I'm skidding towards a huge Big Rig.

Pro: I'm skidding away from the Big Rig.

Con: I'm still skidding.

Pro: Spontaneous Prayer moment

Con: I've spun in a couple of circles and gone into a ditch.

Pro: I hit the ditch and not the Big Rig.

Con: Correction, I've hit two ditches.

Pro: I'm still alive

Con: I heard something in my car go crunch

Pro: I have a cell phone and an CAA/AMA Card

Con: I am sitting in a ditch

Pro: The guy who was driving behind the Big Rig has come by to see if I'm ok.

Con: he asked me if I peed myself. (I said "almost, but no")

Pro: An ambulance and a cop also happened to be driving by and each took the time to make sure I was ok.

Con: I'm still in a ditch

Pro: my dad and step-mom come to wait with me.

Con: we have to wait a long time for the tow truck because I didn't give good enough directions... apparently "snowy ditch on side of road" is not enough.

Pro: the tow truck pulls me out relatively smoothly

Con: my exhaust pipe is still in the ditch, and so is half of my muffler.

Pro: it's just an exhaust pipe and half a muffler (we hope)

Con: its probably going to cost around $200

Pro: its probably only going to cost around $200

Con: I didn't make it to church, and I have to wait until tomorrow for my mechanic to look at it.

Pro: I didn't really have anywhere else to go today

Con: I'm still sick and a little shaken up

Pro: I'm not only still breathing, but a lot better off than many people.

And It's only 11 am.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-12-14 @ 10:58 am by dee