Good Things That Are Bad And Happy Endings Anyway

I keep trying to do the right thing but for some reason, it's just not working.

Several weeks ago I went home from work a couple hours early, cause that's what we do when there's no work. They don't send us home, it's optional, and you only get paid for what you work, not the whole shift. Anyway, I took off two hours early and they never took it off my paycheque. Being that I'm always getting into trouble when I can least afford it, I decide to tell HR about the mistake. They tell me they'd look into it and probably take it off my next cheque. Which is great because at least I know its coming and they're not going to take it off with intrest when they find out about it later. They never took it off. So I told them again. They said they forgot and would take it off my next cheque. They never did. So I figure I'm clear now. But I know it's still going to come back and haunt me because that's just how things work in my life.

For example, I wrote a cheque a while ago that never got cashed. I know, most people are thinking "they never go through in a reasonable amount of time" but I've written several cheques to this place and they always go through within two days. No cheque. So, I might have a couple hundred less to pay back.... or again it could come back to haunt me. My assumption is that it always comes back to haunt me.

In other news, I got an email at work a couple days ago that was sent to everyone we work with from one of the TL's. He basically said that unless anyone has an explanation for why equipment is going missing, the clerks were too dumb to count and keeping track of things is beyond us. So I wrote him an email back that explained the 5 reasons things were going missing (basically the selectors are going into places they shouldn't be and taking things they shouldn't take) and with a little more help from management we could keep things under control. And I copied the email to everyone we work with.

Today, two managers one TL and four co-workers told me I dun good. Hooray for standing up for yourself! I rock.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-12-19 @ 9:18 am by dee