Like Banners? Click Here!

Alright, you know how it is. I go and run a banner when I've been feeling particularly inspired. It's great, a few people click, read my most recent entry and seem to enjoy it enough to at least warrant a second look.

Now comes the tough part: how to come up with an equally awesome second entry. That's usually when I freeze up and begin talking about dumb things. Seriously. You can almost always tell when I've run a banner because the next three or four entries are some of the lamest ever.

By this point, those few people who came back a second or third time to check me out have decided that this site is really not worth thier time and move on. Which means a drop off on the buddy list count. Which starts to give me a complex. Which in turn, makes me produce even lamer entries (if that's even possible).

So what's the solution? Stop running banners I guess. But it's so much fun. In fact, I enjoy it so much that I've created a secondary site to promote my banners and keep track of how well they did. You can find that site here. It's just been updated again and I've added a little something to it.

Now when you check out my banners, you have an opportunity to win prizes. Yes I said prizes. If you fill out the comment form at the bottom of that page your name will be entered in a draw for some really fun items. I'm not completely sure what they'll be yet, I suppose that would depend on the number of entries received. If you have any ideas for prizes you can enter that in the comments section of the form too.

So check it out. Dee's Fabulous Banner's Page

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written October 19, 2004 @ 3:24 pm by dee