All Forms Of Annoyance

Oh K! So I am working again tonight which is good and bad. No biggie it happens daily now. Keeps me on my toes.

Oh crap my nose is running. Oh well.

Sitting here again in the Public Library and typing till my hearts content or my twenty minutes is up. Gotta love democracy.

Oh did I mention that I love the new girl at work? She is so great! She's just fuckin awesome! And she just happens to know the one person I'm now totally infatuated with! Go figure. I think it's fate but maybe it's not.

Who cares. So Anyway I'm sitting here and the guy in front of me (I think it's a guy but around here there's no telling for sure) is just humming away.

Talking to the librarians who just ignore him.

On my way out today I thought I left my radio on because I could hear music really loud in the house. So I go to check only to find that the idiots accross the alley have set up a band in their back yard! You can here them for blocks, Which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that they suck!

Well these little ones are looking over my shoulders again so I'm trying to be polite so as not to offend any of the freaks that live around here but for Gods sake leave me the hell alone.

Hmm... I just realized something. Maybe it's not someone else that's the freak. Maybe they all think it's me? Whoo now there's a thought. Ah Who Cares. I'm going to find some food at the mall before work. Seeya all when I decide again that you're worthy of me.

yeah. K Bye.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2001-05-18 @ 3:43 p.m. by dee