We All Fall Down

My aunt has invited a friend of hers and his daughter to stay at her house while they're in town. My aunt, however, is not in town. She has decided to leave my mother, Maria (who I guess could be considered my aunt and uncle's roomate) and I to entertain them. They're in town to pick up school supplies and what not before sending the daughter back to boarding school. It's only a short trip, but it's still not fun.

You know something must be wrong when I'd rather clean my room (which hasn't been touched in MONTHS) than hang out with them.

I find the whole situation very stressful. He is an alcoholic and is very unpleasant to be around. I wasn't asked about this, I was told I'd be doing it. It's ridiculous.

I've been putting it off as long as possible, but today I had to speak to him. He of course was drunk. He offered me $3000 in exchange for certain control over my financial and educational choices. I turned him down flat, but he won't take no for an answer. I will never allow myself to be indebted to this man.

He uses his money as a way to control people. He assumes if he buys us things that we'll like him and ignore the fact that he's a raging alcoholic.

I'm trying very hard to be nice and not cause trouble, because I know my mom would get caught in the middle and my aunt would have a fit. But believe me, it's taking every ounce of will power I have when he keeps telling me "just think about it... the offer's out there."

If I could tell him what I really thought. Now that would be nice.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written August 27, 2005 @ 10:06 am by dee