My Life Story (In Short)

Dee was born in a small big city in the a time when Michael Jackson was Bad, but not crazy. When she arrived, there was a mother, father and big sister already waiting to meet her. (Not to mention aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.)

Ok, it's getting a little annoying to write everything in the third person so I'm going to stop that now.

Things went relatively smoothly until about 4 years later. My parents not only split up but moved across the country from one another. I was still really young and didn't really understand much of anything about it. I just enjoyed the extra attention and occasional airplane trips to see my dad.

One year after that things changed. My sister V moved east to live with my dad and my mom and I moved in with my maternal grandmother, whom I call "Babcia". (It was just easier for everyone since Babcia was babysitting me at the time while mom was working.)

Things changed again for my family within a couple of years. My mother was diagnosed with Manic Depression and BiPolar Disorder. Mom was in and out of the hospitals and I was mostly raised by Babcia and my aunt (aka Ciocia). I was still very young (only about 8 or 9 years old) and still didn't fully understand everything that was going on. My mom stoped working completely. And has since been in and out of hospitals, tried different treatments (including shock therapy) and been on every different type of drug. Eventually it just became common place.

My dad eventually started dating again and after a while moved in with Gayle. She had three kids from her previous marriage as well. Neither of them were divorced yet (just legally separated) so they couldn't get remarried. Things were more than a little awkward between all of us for a very long time.

My sister moved back when she was in the 10th grade. We barely knew each other except for summer vacations and every few Christmas'. She lived with my aunt for the first couple years because we didn't get along at all. About 5 years later she became a christian. Before that all I really knew of religion was the Catholicism I grew up with. And around the same time my father and step mother became christians too. But I digress.

So thats a little bit about my background. I could probably write more but this is getting a little to in-depth for me right now. I'm feeling rather uninspired. Sorry friends.

If there's anything you want to know just email me and I'll probably write you back.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-05-27 @ 7:20 am by dee