Love Letters and Action Figures

So everyone is leaving me for the weekend. I have the entire house to myself. This is very exciting. No... Really.

Dad and Gayle are going to some marriage retreat thing and the rest of them are going stateside with their dad. Hooray for two days of ME. Not that it's usually not, it's just nice to not have people around for once. Ok I'm babbling again.

Whatever. In any case I have to do a top secret thing for some certain people... Oh what the hell, my parents don't read this anyway (I HOPE!) so I'm supposed to write a letter about how much they mean to me for this retreat thing. I just found out about it last night and totally forgot about it until just now when Erin reminded me.

I'm not in a very sap-tastic mood right now and I'm not sure what I'll be able to come up with. I hope it's not lame... but it probably will be.

So because this is another lame entry (I'm on a roll people) I've decided to leave you with some fun pictures I've come across recently.

This one is funny because... well it's about cornflakes. I wish I had a dog named cornflakes.

This one is funny because it's so brutally honest. FOR EVER. It's Never coming back kiddies. It's going to be replaced by something you can't pee in.

I didn't make this but I wish I had. It is cool because it is food and toy in one. What a great way to get kids to eat their veggies. want to kill off the bad guys? Eat them!!! Mwahahahahaha....*ahem*... yes... granted onions probably aren't my first choice for obvious marketing reasons.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-05-28 @ 8:00 am by dee