My How Things Change

Tonight marks the end of an era.

Zian and Julianne got married today. The same Zian and Julianne from such entries as Now Serving #4 and More About "The Wedding".

It doesn't happen often, so I'll be the first to admit, I was wrong about this one. It wasn't impulsive, it was passionate. It wasn't stupid, it was meant to be.

Now I'm not just saying that because he went through and did it (the right way) almost two years later. But to see him today, smiling in a way I have never seen, even after 11 years.

When those previous two entries were writtne, Julianne was just a name. In the past two years I've been able to get to know her and she's one of the nicest people I know.

This is not at all how I thought things would turn out. But like any great movie, the best ending is the one you didn't see coming. Everything just fits.

Congratulations Zian and Julianne. You deserve every good thing.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written August 14, 2005 @ 1:23 am by dee