Everyone's Talking About War

Peace at what cost?

A lot of people are talking about the war on Iraq. I'd like to say my piece:

I am not pro-war at all. I think it is terrible and frightening, but as much as I don't want a war either, I don't think we should just stand around and wait for another 9/11 tragedy.

This whole situation is very much like what happend before WWII. The British heard about Hitler and sent Chamberlain to talk him out of it. He came back saying that all was well and there would be peace, and they had come to an agreement. Not two months later Hitlers troops invaded Poland.

70% of Americans are behind Bush but the 30% that aren't are very vocal about it and the media is egging them on. I agree that the anti-war protesters have every right to do their thing but the media is painting a very biased picture of things. Recently there was a "pro-Bush" protest in Dallas and 3500 people showed up. Not even the local papers put the story in.

People also are saying that there is no proof that Iraq has any weapons. The point is not that they have no proof. The point is that in 1991 they were told that they had to get rid of the weapons they did have. They are being sneaky about it. Only people with something to hide are afraid to be open.

This war is going to happen eventually whether America starts it or Iraq does. I don't believe it can be avoided, simply delayed.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-02-16 @ 5:13 pm by dee