Oh That Woman!

She's driving me crazy again! Seriously.

I keep trying to help out and do what I can around here. All I asked was for her to make a list of what needed to be done before V and the family come into town. Just a list. I said I'd be back in half an hour to get the list so I could start working on it.

I came back three hours later and she was in bed! AGAIN! No list. I wasn't even asking her to do anything on the list. She wouldn't get out of bed to write it until I got upset at which time she also told me to take a hike.

I swear sometimes I feel like I live with a child. I know eight-year-olds who are better behaved.

Now, I have barely gotten anything done as far as studying for my Math final tomorrow and I've gotten nothing done around the house because I was so frustrated.

She asked me why I'm so sensitve these days. She told me I seem moody. I'm trying to hold my tounge, I swear I am, but sooner or later I'm going to end up saying exactly something I regret.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written December 15, 2004 @ 5:34 pm by dee