How Can I Get Over This? Do I Even Want To?

My Day - by Dee

Woke up at 5:00 am


Finished stuffing everything into my suitcases

Said goodbye to my mom and aunt


Drove to airport

Said goodbye to brother in law

Checked in

Ate breakfast

Got On Plane

Slept (lucky for me so did my favorite nephew)

Got off Plane

Said bye to Nephew and Sister


Got Bags

Drove home with Step Mom

Sitting here alone (everyone is out)

Wanted to call everyone, but theres no one to call.

Everything feels so weird right now. I am so sad. Nothing is right anymore. I miss Sai calling my name as he runs down the hall to see me with a smile on his face from ear to ear. It's been 2 hours and I miss him so much I could die. This is the worst feeling ever.

I have to go to bed now because I'm back to work again tomorrow night.

I really hope this goes away.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-05-24 @ 4:33 pm by dee