Leaving on a Jet Plane

Ok, I owe you all a really long, good, interesting entry. I know.

It's my last full day in town. I wanted to see my friends to say goodbye. I want to spend time with my momma. I want to thank my aunt and uncle for having us over. I want to hold my nephew until he falls asleep in my arms. I want to laugh and tease my sister. I want to hang out with my brother in law. I want to not have to get on that plane. I want to not go back to work.

This place somehow just doesn't feel like home anymore, but somehow neither does the city. All of us are so far apart. Some families may be ok with that but we are very very close. I talk to my mom and my sister almost everyday on the phone when I'm not here. I miss them. Even though they irritate me to no end, they have good, kind hearts. I love them all so much.

Leaving is so hard.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-05-23 @ 12:49 pm by dee