Polar Opposites

I'm not an insomniac. Anyone who knows me even a little can attest to that. In fact, you don't even have to ask anyone else. For some strange reason three of my infamous sleep sprees are documented with in the very pages of this diary. It seemed to have gotten worse, at one point I had slept for almost 40 straight hours. I know, there are serious problems in that statement alone. However, currently my bigger problem is that I just can't get to sleep. I wake up at the same time every morning and yet I'm not tired until at least 4am. It's a little disconcerting to me. I've gone to the opposite extreme.

The wierdest part is that I'll be tired in the morning when I wake up, but by evening I'm wide awake.

It's driving me crazy. Everyone else is sleeping and I can't drive yet so I'm limited to two rooms, my bedroom and the office. I suppose I could go hang out in the bathroom but I'm doubting that any good could come from that. I suppose at the very least it would make for an interesting entry tomorrow. You'll just have to wait and see.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2004-04-02 @ 2:34 am by dee