Who Would Want To Stalk Me Anyway?

I've been feeling really guilty lately. Guilty for not writing real entries in my journal. My one liner entries and "fake" updates. But I really haven't had time. And now that I'm home I'm going over the older entries and thinking about how much effort it will take to explain it all, plus I'm a little concerned about revealing too much about myself online in the off chance that someone finds me interesting enough to stalk and kill...

You see I had an interesting upbringing. My parents are divorced, my dad is remarried. My mother lived with her mother until she died (my grandmother). My aunt and uncle on my moms side, are very close with the family. My sister being 5 years older than me had a large hand in raising me too. So in theory I had about 7 "parenting" people in my life. Not to mention everything else.

Ok.. Now all I'm thinking about is someone stalking me... I will have to write more later when I'm not paranoid. I'm really sorry to anyone who actually reads me regularly... on purpose.

But just think how terrible it is for me too... I can't apply for diary reviews because I know I'll get a terrible one. I'll have to find more time, when I'm less paranoided, to tell you all about me.

As if you even care.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-05-26 @ 7:47 am by dee