Another Day In Paradise

Not feeling particularly witty, interesting, I don't really have much to say. Time keeps moving on and day after day is exactly the same for me. I don't go out. I don't do things with friends. I am either working, sleeping, or a combination of reading, watching tv and playing video games in my room. This is how it has been for a year now. Every day. I'm beginning to think I should just stop trying to write here everyday and just start writing when something happens. Which won't be often. Eventually I'll be moving home. But for now... nothing.

This stupid template is giving me trouble still. No matter how I change the code, the links are still showing up exactly where I don't want them to. It works on the older entries page. You can go there if you want to check something else out on this site.


the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-09-24 @ 11:53 am by dee