First In A Long Time

Tonight was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. Sometimes there are people that you can get together with even after months apart and pick up right where you left off. The same inside jokes are still funny. And you still know each other well enough to know with just a look, exactly what the other person is thinking.

We visited some old haunts and talked about new things. We even had a few serious moments which was rare for us. It was so nice and for the first time in a long time I wasn't worried about things. Even when we started talking about important things. Things that are hard to talk about, there was a natural comfort there.

It was so great. And I spent too much money. But it was so much fun. And so good to see old friends. We should really do this more often.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written December 10, 2004 @ 1:47 am by dee