I Miss You

I'm super exhausted. Normally I'd be all excited because tonight would be my friday night. This isn't a normal week.

I switched a shift with Moe so that he could write a test and I could have an extra day off next week. So I'm working Wednesday. Plus I'm pulling some O.T. on Thursday to help cover The Jack while she's off. Then I have Friday off. I go back in Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Then I have a break from Tuesday to Saturday. (just in case you were keeping track)

I am really suprised at how much this has affected me. I mean, I never even met the guy. But I'm broken up. Completely. I guess I just can't even begin to understand how she must be taking this. It kills me. I want to make this go away.

I just want to do something to make this better. I know I could send flowers, but flowers only last so long, and then they die.. which is not really comforting. I could make some food but I know she's already got a lot of people taking care of that. No card seems right, this is just not the time for words. I'm afraid to say the wrong thing... to anyone.

The funeral is on friday. I want to go but one, it's in Kitchener (an area I don't know at all) and I don't know that I can go alone. There's not really anyone to "invite" either. I mean it's not like I can just call someone up and say "hey, there's this thing I'm doing Friday, there's going to be food... kind of a party." Plus I don't know if it would be rude to have someone who knows the family even less than I do there. Also (on the super selfish side) Friday is my only day off this week and I'm already pretty tired. I'm torn. Do I go? If So, do I go alone?

I'm feeling retarded for making this about me. Stupid insignificant minor details that are my life... in comparison to everything else. I don't know.

Someone asked me once what song I would play at my own funeral if I could choose. I think I'd pick I Miss You.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-08-12 @ 8:52 am by dee