Its A Lose Lose Situation

I am so pissed off at the brother today. Most probably because, not even a year ago, I was exactly like him. He is such a jerk to everyone, especially his mother. He is so defensive that no one can say two words to him with out offending him. Eg:

Mom: Did you know that Erin is off for March break this week?

B: Yeah so?

Mom: Well I am just supprised because I thought she'd have it when you did.

B: yeah well Murphy and Joe had their march breaks last week.

Mom: Hon, Murphy doesn't go to school?

B: Yeah well he had a march break from work.

Mom: They don't give march breaks at work dear.

B: Yes they do. He had one. Why do you always think I'm lying? *slams door to room*

So mom goes to his room to appologize for offending him and he says "yeah well he works for his dad and got a week off." But he doesn't appologize to her. So he's in his room pouting.

Mostly she refuses to ask me to do anything around the house because I am always doing what he won't. Plus she feels guilty asking me because I'm not her biological child and doesn't want to treat me differently than the others (who all blatently refuse to do anything they are asked).

Like the other day it had snowed. Not much but maybe... an inch? So Gayle(aka MOM) asks B to go out and shovel it. Hes all whiney and says "oh my back hurts and theres no point to doing it anyway cause there's nothing there." So my dad goes out and shovels half of it and then comes in to work on the renovations. So B is still whining about it and Gayle finally says that she'll go out and do it. So I just get on my coat and shoes and go do it. It's not hard to do. I agree that it probably didn't need to be done right then but it was important to them so why not just do it.

Oh also Gayle says to him "It wouldn't kill you to do something around here" and he says "I do." Um... occasionally taking your dirty clothes downstairs and putting your own dishes in the dishwasher don't count as helping out.

I think they should kick him out and make him live on his own for a while. Maybe then he'll learn a little respect? I doubt it.

And the worst part is Gayle feels so terrible about it. Every time she asks him to do something and he doesn't and I do she says that she feels ashamed. Like she hasn't raised her kids right. I tried to tell her that I was the same way but also I think some of this has to do with his new hobby of "pipe collecting"... Although the other two aren't much better.

I also think a lot of it has to do with God. I'm quite sure none of them even believe in God. Our parents on the other hand (and myself) have become Christians. I really do think God has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not like B even though I was just a year ago.

In any case it makes me very angry. You may be thinking that Gayle is terrible for letting them get away with so much, and maybe, to some extent, you are right. But You try raising three 5 teenagers, only three of which are your own, trying to figure out the boundries. Dealing with your husband, listen to him and how he thinks the kids should be raised. Dealing with your ex-husband and how he spoils the kids because he feels guilty about the divorce. Also you have become a Christian and your kids are not. It is very difficult to instill biblical values in kids that are already grown. Not to mention that she's a very gentle person and doesn't like conflict.

I feel very badly when they argue most of the time. I'm stuck. If I don't do it myself, She or my Dad will end up doing it and I'm sure Erin, B and Skim resent that I wasn't asked to do it in the first place. But Erin, B and Skim will resent me if I do do it. Also Gayle feels guilty if I do it and Dad gets frustrated with her kids for being snots. So I'm damned either way. ARGH! I will just do it anyway, not to show people up but because it's right. And that's not to say that I always will but I'll sure try. Maybe someday, instead of resenting me they'll look up to me for doing what I thought was right at the time.

There's got to be an upside somewhere.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-03-03 @ 8:00 am by dee