I'm Too Lazy To Write My Own Entries

Sunshine says: Hey, I just read your diary

Sunshine says: zzzz.... jk

Dee says: oh yeah. I'm a loser

Sunshine says: you are just a little unchallenged lately

Dee says: yes and I have the attention span of a flea

Sunshine says: your writing isn't what's's your inspiration

Dee says: true enough

Sunshine says: how about your next entry is the answer to a question? I will think of one

Dee says: ok you can inspire all my entries from now on

Sunshine says: I'll let you know when I think of a worthy question... cause everything that comes to mind is so beneath you lol

Dee says: beneath me? nothing is beneath me... it should to be a good one that requires a long in depth answer that's not beneath me (haha)

Sunshine says: you're probably gonna have to cut and paste this bad boy...

Dee says: Go Team!

Sunshine says: One night after going out with some old friends visiting town, your sister V. comes home pale and shaken and tells you of having just run over a child who darted into the street. After stopping and discovering that the child was dead, she realized that no one else had seen the accident, and then fled. Knowing that confessing to the crime would lead to several years of imprisonment and that keeping quiet about it would keep the secret between the two of you, what would you want her to do? How strongly would you insist on that course of action?

Dee says: WHAT?! V would never do that! She would be sitting there crying with the poor thing. Besides, that's an aweful question

Sunshine says: I KNOW it's a hypothetical. V. would also Never leave her children to go away to prison either but it was a car accident and she may have been in shock and confused

Dee says: rofl I dunno about that...

Sunshine says: I got it from a book by gregory stock ph.d

Sunshine says: she would probably want to confess right? wouldn't you try to stop her?

Dee says: no way. She didn't do it on purpose, she should totally confess

Sunshine says: but then the babies would lose thier Mummy and it wouldn't bring the child back

Dee says: not necessarily. She didn't do it on purpose so she could get a lesser sentence.. or something

Sunshine says: manslaughter

Sunshine says: Would your answer change if it were a different member of your family or a friend?

Dee says: hmm.... no I think everyone should confess. Anyway this question is making me sad...

Sunshine says: your welcome

Dee says: if you kill someone elses child you should have to give them one of yours haha jk

Sunshine says: it's better than no feelings at all...I am trying to poke you with a stick... freak

Dee says: didn't anyone ever tell you not to poke the bear?!

Sunshine says: weeeeeee! pokin the bear...pokin the bear!

Sunshine says: K here's an easy, happy-go-freakin-lucky, dumb ass-but-keeps-you-busy question: You are awarded exactly 2 million dollars Canadian. What would your budget look like? Down to the last buck!

Dee says: ack

Sunshine says: do it. do it and LIKE it.

Dee says: I don't know how much things cost

Sunshine says: not ITEM PER ITEM like $20000 for new furnishings....6500 for the spca...

Dee says: I can't count that high

Sunshine says: haha! well once the car and house are chosen you run out fast

Dee says: Too much effort.

Sunshine says: you are not only are LAZY

Dee says: uh... yeah... thanks for that one captain obvious

Dee says: Anyway, I'd put a bunch into a trust fund for my niece and nephew, I'd pay for all my siblings schooling, I'd buy my mom a house.

Sunshine says: awe

Dee says: I'd pay off all my bills... I'd put some in an RRSP

Sunshine says: how much would it cost to send all your siblings to school?

Dee says: I don't think all of them want to go to college so it wouldn't be as bad as all that... plus its Canadian Schooling. Oh yeah...then I'd go shopping

Sunshine says: and then you'd be broke.

Dee says: damn that canadian dollar!

Sunshine says: har har

Dee says: you're laughing like I'm joking...

Sunshine says: no I'm laughing cause the "Sunshine Lotto" sucks

Dee says: yeah... damn you and your lotto!!!

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2004-02-03 @ 5:28 pm by dee