Sticking It Out

So Yesterday I got out of the house for the third time in as many weeks. Erin was nice enough to take me out to church. I showed her exactly where I fell, she pushed my wheelchair through the puddles. Very exciting. Then we went out to lunch and got Booster Juice on the way home.

We watched a new movie called Carolina, which is one of my new favorites.

I ended up watching the Superbowl, even though we don't get the good commercials here in Canada.

Ugh.. this is already sounding really retarded. I swear I used to be a good writer, now it's sounding more like a to do list than anything else. My attention span is minimal and my vocabulary is steadily shrinking.

Maybe I need to read more, maybe I need to write more. Maybe I'm hopeless.

Everytime I sit here to write I have nothing to say. When I do think of something to say (which usually happens when I'm out driving [which I can't do now that I'm gimped]) I'm nowhere near the computer. So I appologize for being so boring lately... and if you made it this far in my entry today, I've planned a little reward for you.











It's OVER!

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2004-02-02 @ 11:25 am by dee