I Need All The Help I Can Get

11 hours of homework in one day... And I'm not even nearly done.

I did edit the most kick ass group project ever though. If we don't Ace it I'm going to cry, then revolt! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!!!

As for tomorrow, my plan is as follows:

- Type a final draft of that english summary

- Finish that retarded computers assignment (damn, this class is supposed to be easy!)

- Read a bazillion pages in my two different english texts (readings for this week)

- Do the dreaded M word homework

- Check out the Accounting website that will determine 15% of my mark

- Make sure I've done all the readings for this week

- Laundry. I'm in desparate need of pants.

- Clean my room. (Ugh I can't even bare to think of it)

- Eat at some point... or something.

- Meet with Jess and R'yn and Zian at 7pm.

- Fall over from a mixture of frustration and exhaustion

Not to mention all the strange things floating around my head. Like accepting offers of free money and trips to East Indian convents from strange drunk men.... I don't even know where to begin with that one. My back is killing me, I haven't eaten since lunch and I'm about to passout so I'm going to go now.

Wish me well.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written September 18, 2004 @ 11:18 pm by dee