I Am The Overtime Grinch

I have been screwed out of $250. My employer has decided that dispite my working all kinds of overtime, I should get paid for none of it. Because aparently I just work out of the goodness of my heart.

I was told that because of the stats and the days that we were closed, I don't get overtime for working the 26th even though Boxing Day is a Stat Holiday in Canada. Apparently the overtime I got on my cheque was for the extra day I worked and not for the 26th, even though everyone else on the same shift as me also got the overtime (even though they didn't work an extra shift) So I told my boss this and she is proceeding to have other peoples overtime taken away. So I'm the bad guy now. The overtime grinch so to speak.

But when have I ever given up without a fight?! Well... other than every other time... Alright, there's a first time for everything. I'm taking this over her head. I think she's batty anyway.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2004-01-03 @ 10:22 am by dee