Spirit of Giving

I've been thinking a lot about christmas. I know, it's early. But it was kind of making me a little sad because I'm not going to have any money this year. Not that I'm all about buying people's affections. But I usually get totally psyched about "christmas shopping" for three reasons.

1. Finding the perfect gift for someone and watching them open it is better than any gift I could ever get.
2. I have a nephew and a niece now, and they are actually going to be in town this year. Even though they're little, I want to be able to spoil them... just a little.
3. I get totally excited about christmas charities like Operation Christmas Child and Santa's Anonymous

I know that Christmas isn't about any of that, it's not a financial/comercialized deal, or at least it's not supposed to be. And I still plan on doing other things to show my affections towards my loved ones and help out the charities in other ways. But sometimes it's just not the same.

Then I realized a totally awesome solution is right at my disposal. This year I'm giving away my own stuff. Not just the junky stuff that I don't want anymore, but actual stuff that I think people would want. I mean what better way to show people you care than to give them something that means something to you. I already have one person specifically in mind.

Besides, I've been saying for a while now that I have too much stuff. I've been becoming much too involved with the whole Accumulating Stuff deal lately. It's time to stop hoarding and start giving. After all, that's what the idea of Christmas is about right? To give of yourself, in every way.

I'm even more excited about Christmas this year than I usually am. This year is going to be great.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written October 30, 2004 @ 1:58 am by dee