The EPL and Me

Alright, I can't stay long. Big suprise I know. But today I have a job interview. It's at West Ed, which is kinda far but at this point I've kind of gotta take what I can get. We'll see how it goes.

It would be really helpful to get this though because I still need to buy some things, most of which are pretty expensive. I need a printer, a bookshelf, a tv, and internet access. Ok, so maybe I don't need the tv, but it would be nice.

My family is trying to convince me to get 10 hours of dial up service per month. Apparently it's cheaper and they think I'm going to spend all my time online playing around rather than working. Unfortunately I'm not in the financial position to dispute them at the moment but I get the feeling that 10 hours of dial-up just won't cut it.

In other news, well there is no other news. I have orientation on Friday. Good old Grant Mac. I'm totally dreading it. I haven't even begun to skim through my books yet. ARGH. So much to do so little time.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to find out which printer my resume came off of.

Stupid Library.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written September 01, 2004 @ 11:36 am by dee