
Last night I went to a staff meeting at my original job and a friend of mine tells me she's being stalked. I asked what she meant, to which she replied that she was getting threatening phone calls telling her she was going to die in 14 days. Then she asked if it was me.

Naturally I was taken aback by this, but understood at the same time, because I am notorious for leaving strange messages on peoples machines. I told her no, of course not, but I did leave two messages the previous night. She said she didn't get them.

So we go out for drinks at the end of the meeting, and she starts telling me again about this stalker. She has no idea who it is, she called the cops but they told her there's nothing they can do about it, just to log the time and date etc. So she's telling me what was said on the message, how it was really muffled and she could barely hear the guy, but it sounded like something about dying in 14 days and putting her stereo out on the lawn.

Then I clued in. It was me. I had sent her this message and because she's got a crappy phone, and it was transmitted through my computer speakers to her phone, she only caught bits and pieces of it.

So I'm laughing hysterically, trying to explain this to her, and she's just looking at me, not sure what to say. Appologized and asked if she really called the cops. She did. She said it was ok, and said she was glad to know it was only me. I feel bad, but it's really pretty funny if you think about it. And it makes a great story.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written August 02, 2005 @ 5:50 pm by dee