A Terrible Story With A Hint Of Redemption

I have been reading this book, which I won't name because it was 99% horrible, and I'm thinking about how dumb this book is. I'm thinking that it's a waste of my time and I shouldn't read it because it is not only dumb but also controversial just to be controversial. So I'm reading this book, but I can't put it down, because the sooner I finish it the sooner I can move on to a better book. Then, 12 pages from the end of the book I see this paragraph that really gets me thinking. It really stuck me as kind of profound, considering the previous two hundred plus pages. So I thought I'd share it with you here.

There is nothing more full of hate than tolerance. Nothing. "I don't mind Christians as long as they're not trying to convert me." That's the conventional wisdom. "As long as they don't preach, they're okay." "As long as they respect my right to my own opinion..." But I contend that all tolerance is hate and condescension. What idea is more lacking in human respect than "Go ahead, believe that nonsense if it makes you feel better"? And what about the tolerant Christian? Imagine that as we sit here there's a truck coming at me. And you see the truck. And you hear the truck. And you smell the truck. And you taste the smoke of the truck. And you feel the truck rumble the ground under your feet. And you know the truck is real. And it's coming right at us. And you move out of the way, and you're okay. And I look at you and say, "I don't see the truck." Do you say, "Well, you're entitled to your opinion?" Remember you can feel the fucking truck. Do you smile and nod? No. You mention the truck again. You say, "Get out of the way." You preach the gospel of getting out of the way of the truck. And if I still don't listen, and if you love me like you should love all men, do you shrug and say, "Well, it takes all kinds"? At some point, if you're a good person, you grab me and knock me out of the way of the truck. You hit me and you drag me and if you have a baseball bat you use it and you get me out of the way of that truck.
- Penn Jillette

Granted I still am very unimpressed with the book, and that paragraph was spoken by a crazy person. However, that paragraph made me think. What about you?

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written February 11, 2005 @ 10:33 pm by dee