The Perfect Gift

Have you ever seen a cooler picture? Have you ever seen a cuter couple of kids? Have you ever seen such an painstaking/expensive, thoughtful/heartfelt awesome birthday present?

Every year I have to out-do myself for gifts for my family. (especially my sister), getting "bigger" and/or "better" gifts for them than I have the time before. Not to look good or to brag, but because gifts are my love language. Its how I show people how much they mean to me. And my family means an aweful lot. However, I am very quickly running out of ideas (and money). *sigh*

It's still wicked cool though. (p.s. there are 7 different shots/prints altogether) I Rule! haha.

Just don't tell my sister. shhhh! This is what I do when I should be sleeping! ARGH.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-09-12 @ 1:48 pm by dee