Short Apology (With More Apple Than Gee)

Eventually, when I'm not in a one track mind set, I will tell you my stories again. I know. I miss them too.

Eventually I'll get back to being, funny and entertaining, and witty (which is totally different than funny) and conflicted in such a way that I am able to share it with you.

But right now, I keep making stupid choices. Like staying up until after midnight when I have a final exam the next day that I have barely studied for. Even if it should be an easy exam. I know I'll regret this later. I always do. Yet I never learn.

I digress. So in answer to your long awaited question, yes I will be fun and enjoyable again... Just give me a week or two to recoop.

Ur bud,


the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written April 21, 2005 @ 12:15 am by dee