
The only way to explain this day involves a long sorted conversation about anger, frustration, animosity, and me sitting by watching it all happen.

an�i�mos�i�ty n. pl. an�i�mos�i�ties

1. Bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred.

2. A hostile feeling or act. See Synonyms at enmity.


[Middle English animosite, from Old French, from Late Latin animsits, courage, from Latin animsus, bold, from animus, soul, spirit. See an- in Indo-European Roots.]

Source: The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright � 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

But it's not nearly as exciting as all that makes it sound.

Just that it would be easier to list the people at work who are getting along right now, than those who aren't. (keeping in mind I work closely with about 20 people)

Here is that list:

Me = getting along with everyone (except that I think it's stupid that everyone else is fighting)

New Guy = doesn't know who to hate yet

Karl = on vacation

Moe = lives on his own planet and sometimes visits.


Todd = trying to get a TL position... doesn't want to piss anyone off.

EVERYONE else is mad at/annoyed with/frustrated with/aggitated about something someone else did.

Tsk Tsk.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-10-03 @ 10:17 am by dee