500th Entry EXTRAVAGANZA!!!

How completely appropriate that my 500th entry should arrive exactly as I prepare to move (once again) across the country.

I've been laughing all day now, mostly because I know, if I stop, I'll cry. I don't want to cry. This is supposed to be a good thing, but it sure feels pretty crappy. I know if I go back with an attitude of 'I'd rather be somewhere else', it will pave the way for a bad year. So I'm trying to be positive.

To be honest, I felt pretty similar on the way out here two years ago, so I suppose it can't be all bad.

I have to say that I was so suprised at the outpour of love I got from people at work the last couple of weeks. This was seriously the best and worst job I've ever had.

I'm going to miss them. The sarcastic comments. The "Newfinese". The Tim's runs. The money. My car Lloyd. The weather... Oh Lord, I'm going to miss the weather come October! The freedom. The extra long weekends. The closet I called my room. The menagerie of pets (though I won't miss the stupid hairs on every item of clothing I own). I'll miss Gayles cooking and especially her baking. Shopping will never be the same as it was when I went with Skim and Erin. I'll miss my dad's stupid jokes. I think I'll even miss B's pounding stereo and accompanying desktop drum solos while I tried to sleep. Most of all I'm going to miss my family. Just being with them. I'm just getting to know them. They mean the world to me and I value them more than they'll ever know.

But enough of that sap. This is a happy occasion. It's my 500th Entry EXTRAVAGANZA!!! Which is about to begin with a week long guest entry event. This happens to be appropriate because I will be crazy busy and without internet connection for a while. So tune in tomorrow when our guest writer will be: Bethany from such diaries as waterstain.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written August 05, 2004 @ 12:01 am by dee