The Rest Of The Weekend Recaped

Now lets see... Where did I leave off? Oh yes, Friday Night. So lets begin today with saturday morning.

After work, Karl and a couple others mentioned that they were heading up to the local race track to play the slots. I told them I had never been and they insisted I come along. So I figured it wouldn't hurt since it would probably be the last time I saw these people. So we get there and I put in my $20 which happens to be the only money I have on me at the time. And I end up winning $250 in the quarter machines. I won so many quarters that they had to refill the machine! So I figured that was my cue to leave and I did.

Then I got home and took the girls to breakfast. We went shopping too. It was a mighty fun day. We came home and I decided to take a nap, seeing as how I had been up all night before. I got about a hour of sleep in when my cell phone rang. It was Ryan from work. He said he had talked to a few people who wanted to go out for drinks later that night. I said sure, tell me where and when and I'll be there (assuming of course he'd call back within a reasonable amount of time). He never called back at all! How perfectly irritating.

In any case, I wasn't terribly dissapointed because I'm not much of a clubbing person. I don't dance and I don't really drink, which are the two main purposes for a club to exist. So Erin and Skim and I went to a movie instead. We saw Bourne Supremecy, which was good. Mmmm Matty.

Ok so yeah. That was Saturday. Sunday was the usual (my favorite way to spend a sunday), church, lunch, and shopping with Erin.

Monday Erin, B, and I took Misty to the dog park where she happily romped around sniffing dog butts for a while. There was a giant Newfoundland dog there that howled and barked everytime B even looked at it. That was pretty funny. I think the dog was scared of him.

And now it's Tuesday and I think you're all up to speed. Today I have no car and so I am forced to pack, which I probably should have been doing since the beginning of time. Oh well I suppose it has to get done eventually.

Here I go...

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written August 03, 2004 @ 10:43 am by dee