Predictions For My Future: On October 7 2004

One year from today:

Home: I will be living in my own apartment (out west). It's going to be great.

School: I will be in school taking some kind of business/marketing/entrepreneur type course.

Work: I will be working full time (possibly still nights), somewhere. Hopefully transferred with the same company (so as to get my schooling paid for).

Friends: I will be the one that keeps them all together. Inviting everyone to go out. Hopefully make some new friends too.

Family: V's family will be bigger, I will be the aunt of two (possibly on the verge of three). Maybe Mom will move in with Ciocia(aunt) and Wujek(uncle). My three favorite Step sibs... it's hard to say where they'll be but it will all work out in their favor eventually.

Love: I'm not looking and I doubt I will be then either. I figure it will happen when it happens. I'm not desperate for it but it would be nice. The best suprises happen when you least expect them.

Other: Spiritually... I hope I'm a little more centered. More focused. More learned. I'd like to meet some people who can teach me more, who are like minded etc. I'm a little bit afraid about that, but that's a whole different entry.

So Tell me, where do you see yourself a year from today?

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-10-07 @ 10:08 pm by dee