500th Entry EXTRAVAGANZA - Jess version

This woman needs no introduction. You know her and love her. Please help me in welcoming, Jess.

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I mean, I'm already in a "career" - I took 3 years of education to be a massage therapist and now am working as such - but it almost feels like a dead end already. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it considering I just finished my education a month ago, but maybe not. I know I'm in the right profession because I'm great at what I do and I DO enjoy what I do (to a certain extent), but something seems to be missing. Maybe it has nothing to do with my job and everything to do with me. Yeah, that's probably it. Maybe it's just because I'm not fulfilled or satisfied in my life so far and I'm feeling empty, but can't directly label what's bothering me. I think I'm just putting too much emphasis on being "successful" instead of being "happy." I've made some small steps to accomplish both, but it's a slow process, and anyone who knows me knows that I like to have things right now. It's definitely a learning process, a molding of character, if you will, and if I don't go through with it, I'll become stagnant and bitter, even moreso than I am now. *wink* I think I'm making too much of a big deal out of this. I mean, doesn't everyone go through this uncertainty, this questioning period in life, or more accurately throughout life? I'm not alone am I? Right?


I think that should do it. I don't feel like writing much else so either use it or don't. Catch ya later!


That was really something was't it? Please toon in tomorrow for the Grande Finale of Dee: A 500th Entry EXTRAVAGANZA!!! with a suprise guest writer.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written August 11, 2004 @ 8:44 pm by dee