Stepping On My Own Toes

Hmmm what to say...

My days are all mostly the same now. I work, I sleep and occasionally I do something else like clean, or pack or shop.

Its the shopping part that gets me in trouble. I made a purchase this week that I'm beginning to doubt. I may have to return it. I bought a digital camera. and now I feel guilty. Because that is the traditional Catholic way. And that is how I was raised. And because I feel guilty about everything I've ever done. And because I probably could have done without it. So I'm thinking about whether or not to keep it.

They said I had 2 weeks...

I'll probably take it back this weekend.

Ugh. I suck. This is what I mean about getting in my own way.

In any case, I have to be up in very few hours. So I shall say good bye for now.

Thanks for listening.

P.S. If you're interested in doing a guest entry here (and Lord knows I need the help), and haven't recieved an email about how to do so, please contact me here to find out how to do that.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written July 08, 2004 @ 9:41 am by dee