Why This Summer Is Stupid

This is the first year EVER that I don't take some sort of Summer Vacation. This Sucks. A LOT. I don't think I need to expand on this.

Also... I found out I have to pay 30 EXTRA dollars for a game I ALREADY paid for. Stupid E-bay. Stupid Customs. This is a suck-dumb day. P.S. Most of my entries are way more interesting that this so click one of those. Awe, Who am I kidding.... Here's a random entry anyway. Also Check out Shaun today. It's his "anniversary" week and I did a guest spot. It's really quite fun, if I do say so myself ;) Seeya!

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-07-09 @ 7:16 am by dee