Little Things No One Cares About

Less than three weeks to buy a car. Looks like I'm going to have to settle for "not my dream car" to something remotely cool that drives.

In other news I've been walking like a cowboy all night cause my thighs are killing me from gardening and such. I'm just not used to housework anymore. I guess that's a sign to start 're-learning' that stuff.

Also I wrote a guest entry for my good buddy, which is why I didn't update yesterday. All of my creative brain power went to him. Lucky Monkey! I don't think my entry is up yet... but as soon as it is I will link it here.

Ok so I'm super tired and it's sleepy time here.. for me. So have a great one!



the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-07-07 @ 7:36 am by dee