Some Words About Yesterday

Yesterday was fun. I went to church twice. Saw Ben Glenn, went to my church, had lunch at Chapters where I purchased one book and added 40 more to my list of books to purchase. I decided that I wanted to see a movie, so I rented Daddy Daycare and Holes. I get home and who should be there but everyone's favorite ERIN!!!!

So we hung around and watched the movies. Then she had to go back to home.

As for today. Well I just woke up about an hour ago. I'm thinking... lunch, laundry and lethargy.

This entry has been brought to you today by the number 3, the letter L and a grant from PBS. (except for the last part) Uh... I swear I'm usually more interesting than this. Check out aRandom Entry here.

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this one was written 2003-09-29 @ 11:38 am by dee