The Waiting Room

I went for a hearing test today. While I was waiting, I started thinking some strange things that I thought I'd share with you all.

First I started to think about how funny it would be to see a duck morphed with a monkey. We could call it a monk.. oh wait... a dunkey.... um.. monduck? Anyway, I thought it would be pretty weird looking and that made me smile.

Then I began to remember a conversation I had earlier that night about how one of the girls I work with was having one of those "adult toy" shows at her house. I always find that a little strange. First of all, is that really the kind of thing you want to be purchasing in front of people you work with?! I'm not sure I want to know that much personal information about anyone I have to see every day at work. *shudder*

Plus, it's always been my policy to never keep anything that I wouldn't want my parents to find if I were to die. I know, it sounds a little morbid to think about my death like that. But, I mean seriously, it's just not right for my parents to be sorting through my personal effects only to find out way more than they ever wanted to know. It's not the sort of final image I want to leave them with.

Then I started to think about how strange it is that when we are young, the smallest age difference seems enormous. Like to a 6 year old a 12 year old is unapproachable; and a 16 year old would never be good friends with a grade two-er. But when we are adults (and I use that term loosely), at least in my workplace, people from the age of 20 to 50 are all good friends. It's just odd how that changes.

By this time they decided to take me in to get my test done. They put me in that isolation booth, as if I were on a gameshow.. but they don't give me parting gifts. It turns out I can hear just fine, but they made me pay for it anyway.

Oh well, it made for an interesting entry anyway.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-11-27 @ 11:47 am by dee