Just A Quick Note - Because I'm Bad At Updating

I'm so tired and everything hurts and I still have so damn much to do.

tomorrow alone I have to finish up my readings for the week, work on two different group projects, go to church, do some laundry and clean up my room.

After all that, I still have to go to work to a "farewell" party for Elven, a manager they sent down from Quebec to help us out since we're short staffed. He's a real sweetheart so we're doing a little something special for him. And since I didn't show up for the last staff party, my boss has been ribbing me for weeks about showing up for staff functions. I should make an appearance, but we'll see how it goes. Worst case senario is I don't go but I'll still call to say bye.

All this listing of chores left to do is making me sleepy. I think it's naptime for this girl.

G'night all.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written March 13, 2005 @ 1:42 am by dee