There Are Exceptions To Every Rule

What's with everyone always telling kids not to get in trouble "because it will go on your permanent record".

Do the police look at your permanent record? "Excuse me Detective Smith but it looks like Billy is the murderer, he was suspended twice according to his permanent record"

Do your employers look at it? "Looks like we've got ourselves a new V.P here Jim, Carla's permanent record shows she was hall monitor for one month straight in grade 5!"

And just how permanent are these records anyway? I mean, is this all paleontologists are going to find of our civilization after hundreds of years? "we don't know who they were but they kept great records."

How come they never use these permanent records during political campaigns? I'm sure more than one senator has been caught in the principals office.

It's a little creepy to think that someone out there has a file on every bad thing that you've ever done... like Santa or God.

I figure its just another scare tactic parents and teachers use to manipulate kids into behaving.

But guess what? Grades don't matter, there are no permanent records, and you'll never use algebra.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2003-11-26 @ 1:14 am by dee