Why Does It Have To Be Tuesday

Now that the weekend is over, I find myself wishing it was the weekend again. And as I was thinking about that, I started to think about how I forgot to tell you all about my last weekend adventures.

I like to call it: My Wacky Weekend Adventures. Because well, it just sounds right.

This weekend, thanks to everyone's favorite Erin, I went to TWO movies!! I saw Micacle on Friday night. It was a really good movie, except that it was about the American team and not the Canadians. But I won't hold that against them. It had awesome camera work on the ice. And most importantly it had a bunch of really cute guys. And of course I love hanging out with my sisters (even if they do just do it out of pity *wink wink*).

Then on Sunday, we were supposed to go to church and then to lunch and a movie. But Skim and I slept in so we missed church. I'm still feeling guilty about that and a little dissapointed in myself but it is my own fault. Of course we got Booster Juice and Lunch which made me feel a little better.

In any case, we did go see "Win A Date With Tad Hamilton". It was a fun movie. A remake of Bye Bye Birdie. Sappy, Funny, and full of Topher Grace looking pretty cute.

It was a Super weekend all in all, though I suppose not nearly as wacky as I may have indicated with my title. Whatever, you'll get over it.

I can't wait for next weekend.

the shadow | random | the glow

this one was written 2004-02-10 @ 10:45 am by dee